Our Government Contracts team advises you regarding the compliance procedures for obtaining contracts and getting your payments in reasonable time.

In developing countries, the governments are privatizing various sectors and luring international investors. The story seems very lucrative till the administrative and  bureaucratic web surrounds the companies. This gives rise to disputes of enormous proportions that have spelled doom for a lot of international corporations.

The work culture and ethics in developing and underdeveloped countries are very different from the developed countries. This creates hurdles for the teams who were champions in their own right when they arrived in these territories.

We know emerging mar kets and the countries they call home. The teams of MLegal can become your most strategic partners for success.

MLegal is the leading independent advisor in legal matters. We are the only ones who can offer you a fully integrated  approach: Advice, representation, reviews and appeals.

All the above are backed by performance in actual numbers that are impossible without professional training, understanding, years of experience and an aggressive attitude, which has success written all over it. We start delivering results right from the word go.

We are the preferred firm for in India.