Mohit Suri to represent India in Commonwealth Games, 2017

It’s a very proud moment for all of us that out beloved Mr. Mohit Suri, is selected into the 23 Member India Team to represent India in the Commonwealth Games from Sep 10 to 17. Mohit Suri will be representing the India in Powerlifting category.

It is indeed a very proud moment. We all at Mlegal, wish all of the participants all the very best.

The news for same has been published by different Media houses and Websites.

You can read more about that on their respective website:

Times of India

23-man Indian team to participate in Commonwealth Powerlifting

A 23-member team, including Mohit Suri, will leave on Friday for South Africa to represent India at the Commonwealth Powerlifting and Benchpress Championships, to be held at Potchefstroom from September 10 to 17…


Business Standard

23-man Indian team to participate in Commonwealth Powerlifting

A 23-member team, including Mohit Suri, will leave on Friday for South Africa to represent India at the Commonwealth Powerlifting and Benchpress Championships, to be held at Potchefstroom from September 10 to 17…


India Today

23-man Indian team to participate in Commonwealth Powerlifting

A 23-member team, including Mohit Suri, will leave on Friday for South Africa to represent India at the Commonwealth Powerlifting and Benchpress Championships, to be held at Potchefstroom from September 10 to 17…


Info Entire

23-man Indian team to participate in Commonwealth Powerlifting

A 23-member team, including Mohit Suri, will leave on Friday for South Africa to represent India at the Commonwealth Powerlifting and Benchpress Championships, to be held at Potchefstroom from September 10 to 17…


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